There’s a shift in online advertising happening: the micro-moment. These small things that drive big changes in perception and value.
Since I began my career in digital advertising in 2005, I’ve been used to having persuasive and educational conversations: digital is good, SEO is great, and you need to learn to love PPC.
Amazingly, pushback today is a fraction of what it was then. Business owners and marketers generally understand the importance of digital – the need to be “on” Google, to rank for keywords associated with their business, the value in social media and being accessible.
What most don’t understand is that today, as we enter the second half of 2017, marketing has again evolved. It’s not about being found; it's not about clicks, impressions, or visibility; it’s not about having a website. It’s about the experience – the moments that occur when someone is searching for something. Today, it’s those moments that matter most.
A micro-moment is exactly what it sounds like: the small moments that occur during a search that shape perceptions and drive transactions. We experience micro-moments all the time, such as when you are searching for a recipe online and the website you find not only provides step-by-step instructions and an ingredients list, but also substitutions and tips and tricks. That sense of satisfaction you got when you realized that the version of lasagna you were looking up can indeed be made without meat? That’s a micro-moment.
Let’s walk through a pretty common scenario.
Cameron, a handsome (albeit balding) 30-something year old male, is looking for information about hair transplant surgery and whether or not it is a fit for him. Like the rest of the world, Cameron takes to Google as he embarks upon his quest to learn about whether or not his follicular foibles can be fixed. He performs a search: “best type of hair transplant”, and the quest begins.
What kind of journey does Cameron’s search take him on? Well, it may look something like this:
Cameron’s journey was full of micro-moments – some good, and some not-so-good:
In the end, is it a surprise Cameron chose to get a consultation from the second surgeon? Think on how you use the internet, and on how you search specifically. You would have contacted the second surgeon too, wouldn’t you?
Effective advertising online is no longer about being found; it’s about the experiences you create and the relationships you cultivate.
Think back to Cameron: he chose the second surgeon over everyone else because that website educated him, loaded quickly, and provided value. That website gave him a positive experience and helped him build trust with a surgeon that he hadn’t even met yet. Truly, perception is reality.
The web is changing, and much of that change is being driven by Google. Let’s look at search:
Adapting to this change is simple. Note: simple doesn’t mean easy. Delivering value in 2017 and beyond is different than in years prior. Education – meaning the information and the experience you present your website’s visitors – is more important than ever. It’s no longer enough to “be on Google.” You now have to consider the larger package, including where else you can reach and engage potential customers. For example: Plumbers creating DIY content, such as “how to replace a defective cartridge in your faucet”; surgeons creating a YouTube channel where they upload a new video twice per month answering FAQ’s and explaining techniques; a paintball field creating a Facebook group where people can organize meet-ups and large-scale games.
You must also be genuine. We’ve all read pages that were clearly written for SEO. Thankfully, those dark days are soon to be behind us. Made for SEO content continues to perform worse and worse with each algorithmic update. While I firmly believe the website remains the foundation of any online marketing program, it must integrate itself into your other endeavors: social media, community engagement, video, and so on.
Now that we understand the value of micro-moments, here are a few ways that you can start building positive ones for your future customers:
In the offline world, we benefit from face-to-face interaction to help build relationships. Digitally, we have to rely on the experiences we create. Your investment in a great experience is key to online success in 2017 and beyond.