Education and Training
AnanyaLearning Centre and Therapy Services for Children with DiverseEducational Needs– LD, ADHD, APD especially Autism SpectrumDisorder (AUTISM). It is our endeavour, to reach out to children withour programs, designed for early intervention, so we empower them tolead fuller lives.
Wevery strongly believe in working closely with the parents forsatisfying results.
“Todeliver measurable outcomes for children with developmental delaysand special needs through integration of specialist therapies, parentsupport & training.”
“Toidentify and evaluate, as early as possible, those infants andtoddlers who have developmental delays and special needs and providethem therapeutic interventions to improve their development.”
KnowledgeSharing, Integrity, Collaboration.
Weequip our full time dedicated, skilled therapists with continuoustraining programmes so they are updated with the latest therapies andmethods.
Wealso have a team of (visiting) expert consultants who work along withour therapists, bringing in synergy for beneficial outcomes.
Ourteam of therapists have the following specialities:
•EarlyChildhood Education
•SensoryIntegration Therapy
Ourteam is in continuous conversation with industry experts across theglobe, exploring new trends and methodologies.
Knowledgesharing is one of the key values at Ananya Learning Centre andTherapy Services. Which is why, we are close to the 1000 mark, withour regular workshops for parents and educationists.
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