Education and Training
At, Arena Shyambazar you will find a gathering of young, vivacious associates who are being passing by Mr. A. D. Singh who has over 19 years of association in this preparation field. Course in 1997, he was the principal individual to have started Arena Chowringhee center which is the most settled and most noteworthy point of convergence of Arena Animation in Eastern India and has the most bewildering number of positions till date.
We offer boundless practice hours for our understudies. We are arranged ideal beside Shyambazar Metro station offering simple openness from any piece of Kolkata and suburbia. We have the most astounding guidelines for scholastics with much of the time held esteem expansion, learning Plus classes held by industry experts. We have a committed Placement Cell which gives arrangement to our understudies.
Arena Animation Shyambazar
Address: 28, Shysmbazar, Chowdhury Ln, Hati Bagan, Shyam Bazar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700004