Professional services
The business structure you choose will impact many factors from your business name, to your liability, to how you file your taxes. The right business structure will impact many factors from your business name, to your liability, to how you file your taxes. The operational and financial success of the company also depend on the business structure, accordingly company registration process can be followed.
We, CA ON WEB is providing the online support for Company Registration through our expert professional team of CA’s, CS’s and Lawyer’s as ONE-STOP solution for all pre & post incorporation compliances & licensing requirements. Just in span of last two years, our expert team of said professionals & executives has registered more than 500 companies. Promisingly, we are one of the best company Registration Consultant in India.
Type of Company Registration:
Private Limited Company- Private limited company can have minimum 2 members and maximum 50 members. It is the easiest and most popular way to incorporate a company in India.
Public Limited Company- Public Limited Company should have atleast three directors. A public limited company can start its operations only after obtaining a Certificate of Commencement from the Registrar in addition to Certificate of Incorporation.
Advantages of company registration in India
Liability of the subscribers (the directors and shareholders) is limited to the amount of money they have paid for shares, thus Stakeholders are not typically liable for corporate debts and liabilities.
Extra capital can be raised by selling shares either privately or in the market. Members can leave or join without any restriction.
The death, bankruptcy or withdrawal of capital by one member does not affect the company’s ability to trade.
Enjoys high credibility as the books of accounts and other documents are available for public vigilance.
Overall transparency.
Separate Legal Entity from its owners. A company can sue or be sued on its own name.
Broader capital base than proprietorship firms. Usually attracts venture capitalists, angels and merchant bankers.
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