To scare away animals / birds which are nuisance to crops / fruits.
The method adopted is to make loud and scary sounds, 'ECO-EBU 01' is useful for animals with fearful sounds of Horn, Dog-bark, Gun-shots, Crowd-shouts & 'ECO-EBU 02' is useful for crows & small birds... Eagle, Crow-distress, Gun-shots, Crowd-shouts. 'ECO-EBU 03' is useful for animals & small birds... Crow-distress, Dog-bark, Gun-shots, Crowd-shouts. User can select any one or many sounds out of these four.
Sound duration(5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds) , interval (2 , 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes; 1, 1 1/2 , 2 hours) and volume can be set by user.
Selected sounds are heard one after another for set time, after set interval for e.g. if horn and gun shots are selected; horn will be heard for set time & then after set interval gun shots will be heard & again after set interval horn will be heard & so on.
EBU can be heard in & around the area of @ 5 acres, under certain conditions like mounting height, direction of horn, ambient noise, hilly area etc.