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Tri-Tech Medical

Health and Wellness

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Contact Information

  • Company
  • Tri-Tech Medical
  • Year Established
  • 1989

Company Details

Hours of Operation
9 to 5

Write About You And Your Company

Tri-Tech Medical is a customer service oriented industry leading manufacturer of innovative high quality medical gas equipment. Since 1989, our commitment to providing innovative solutions for medical gas systems has led to the development of exciting new products with features that provide added value in the forms of: time savings, increased safety and reduced costs. Our popular industry products include: Frontall medical gas outlets, risers, and conversion kits; Genesys manifolds; Med Touch, Integra and Integra Touch medical gas alarm panels; E Z Backfeed and E Z Find zone valve boxes; hyperbaric valve outlet boxes; dual ported zone valve boxes; gas control panels and sleep lab control panels.

Website:   http://www.tri-techmedical.com

Phone No.:  (800) 253-8692

Mail Id:   sales@tri-techmedical.com

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